Samantha Trionfo
Photo - Kiati Plooks
Hi, friend!
Thanks for stopping by and your curiosity in our project.
It’s impossible to touch on the “why” of Empty Hourglass without delving into some personal history, so let’s start there.
Growing up, I struggled immensely with mental illness, self-harm, and the effects of trauma. Still do to this day, but with healthier coping mechanisms. I’ve often joked that I collect mental health diagnoses like some collect vintage cars or porcelain dolls (good ole humor. One of those coping mechanisms).
Living with mental illness has been a major source of inspiration, but The Empty Hourglass Project was born after a period of significant trauma and loss in my life. At first, it was a way to process everything that had happened, but it gradually morphed into a communal project. If this was a path to healing for me, perhaps others would find healing in it, too.
I believe in the power of medicine, but I also deeply believe in the power of self-expression and creativity because that is what’s saved me time and time again.
Whether it be a stroke of color across canvas, a character created from scratch, or a simple melody cooked up during the moonlit hours, there’s something powerful in being able to reimagine the story you’re living, to take back control, and to process at your own pace.
I’ve been extremely fortunate to be able to create for a living, having gotten my start back in 2008 as a theatre major at the Community College of Baltimore County. Since then, I’ve had the pleasure of working on (and behind) a myriad of stages, screens, and shoots whether it be designing a set, acting, makeup artistry, or more. As rewarding as this ride has been, I’m in need of something more, so I will be returning to college in the Fall of 2021 to complete my Associate of Fine Arts, then eventually move on to earning my Bachelor’s in Child Psychology and my Master’s in Art Therapy.
It’s my hope that Empty Hourglass is able to provide a creative and therapeutic outlet and safe haven for those who need it, and ultimately, that it helps you to remember who you are even in the darkest of times.
P.S. – To Maddie. I dedicate this project in your honor. You are forever loved and treasured. Thank you for changing my life.