Rise of the Phoenix: Self-Love

- Rebecca Ellis

“The saying, “You are your own worst critic” is an understatement. I’ll take it up a notch and then some. It’s exhausting and sometimes it feels like a full-time job. What if I told others out there who are like me that we didn’t have to do this? 

 The flood gates open with just a single glance of someone else’s highlight reel on social media. That’s all it takes to be ridden with insecurity, inadequacy, and insufficiency. “She’s way prettier…” “There’s no point in doing that, she’s clearly better than me…” “Why would you waste your time? She clearly has you beat in all regards. You are so stupid for even trying.” 

 Lies. Lies I surrender to on a daily basis. 

 I will fight. I will keep fighting. Because for even just those few seconds of telling myself these things are not true and for that fleeting moment of possibly believing it, it’s worth fighting to transform into a permanent feeling. For the sake of my sanity and all I have to give in this world, I will fight.”

Photo: Tim Brosius / Model: Bex / Concept: Rebecca Ellis, Tim Brosius